The Adult Social Care Technology Fund

The Adult Social Care Technology Fund launched in April 2023. The purpose of the fund is to implement and evaluate a range of care technologies used in adult social care. The technologies support: 

  • An increase in the quality and safety of care for people using services
  • A reduction in avoidable admissions and readmissions to hospital
  • People to live independently in their own home
Man and woman helping care for two people in a sitting room using two digital devices

July 2024 Update

The first round of successful applications was announced in October 2023.  Find out more about these projects.

The successful wave two projects have also now been announced. More information on these projects can found in our March 2024 update.

 You can also read our blog about the fund, which gives an overview of how we have evaluated applications. 

The  Adult Social Care Technology Fund is now closed for new applications.

 We remain committed to supporting the sector to digitise and are exploring how we continue to support the scaled use of evidence base technology in the future. Please sign up to our newsletter to keep up to date with our work and any future opportunities.

Information on the funding support available to support the implementation of digital social care records can be found here. You can also contact your local ICS to find out more about local opportunities to implement care technology.