Funding for digital social care records – the clock is ticking!

The Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) provides funding support to help providers implement digital care planning approaches through a digital social care record (DSCR) . The aim is for 80% of CQC registered providers and 80% of people to have a digital social care record (DSCR), in place by March 2025.

Providers who have already implemented a DSCR solution are now seeing a huge range of benefits in how they operate, from time savings and greater efficiency through to better collaboration with relatives and huge decreases in the volume of paper being used. 

The clock is ticking to access funding. It won’t be around forever, but there’s a local team ready to help you. The process is simple when you know how – follow these steps:

  1. Reach out to your local team to find out how the process works in your area.
  2. Chat to other care providers who are already using digital care plans, find out how the transition has been for them – your local team can put you in touch.
  3. It’s a good idea to complete the Data Security and Protection  toolkit to make sure you know how to keep both your paper-based and digital information safe and secure.
  4. Think about what you need from a digital care plan solution – what does your organisation need it to do?
  5. Look through the list of assured solutions on offer and make a shortlist of the ones that meet your needs.
  6. Talk to your shortlist of suppliers. Invite them in to give you a demo, watch the videos available on our website.
  7. Involve your team – ask their opinions on what sort of solution will work best for them.
  8. Decide which solution supplier you would like to go with.
  9. Your local team can help you with the process of accessing the funding support on offer to help with your first-year costs.
  10. Once you’ve gone through all of these steps, time to work with your chosen supplier to implement your digital care plan solution.
  11. You’re off! You’ve taken the first steps on your digital transformation journey.