About us


“Digital technology has the power to transform social care for everybody, but it's important that everyone in the sector gets to benefit from it. We're the digitising social care team. We're funded by the government to help care providers make the most of digital technology wherever you are in your digital journey.

Digital technology can help you provide better and safer care. Care that is truly person-centred.

There's lots of ways that technology can help make this happen. Using digital social care record solutions to capture real-time information and move away from paper-based care planning. Using sensors and other monitoring technology to alert you when someone has had a fall. Or even using everyday technology like smart speakers or tablets to support care.

And for busy managers, going digital can help make your life easier in many ways. Whether it's software that sorts out your staff rotas, or clever technology that enhances your team training. 

We're here to help you every step of the way - with funding support, with help to develop digital skills and resources to learn how other organisations have made it work for them. Across the country, thousands of providers, big and small, are already transforming care thanks to digital innovation. Come and join them. Visit our website to find out more.”

The digitising social care website is managed by NHS England’s digitising social care programme.  

The programme is funded by the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) and is delivered by a joint unit of DHSC and NHS England staff. It aims to transform adult social care through digital innovation, as set out in the 2021 government white paper, People at the Heart of Care. This work is further shaped by DHSC’s ongoing commitment to support digitisation of the sector outlined in the 2023 Next Steps paper. 

This is the official site for NHS England and DHSC guidance, information and advice on making the most of digital technologies. It supports adult social care providers in England on how to make the most of digital innovation to deliver better, safer care. 

Our advice is clear, transparent, easy to understand and provides up-to-date information on government policy. 

Relevant content from the original Digital Social Care site has been transferred to this site, which now meets accessibility and usability requirements.   

We continue to work in close partnership with the Digital Care Hub consortium (formerly the Digital Social Care consortium) to identify and meet the sector’s needs for advice, guidance and skills support, wherever you are on your digital journey. 

The Digital Care Hub

The Digital Care Hub consortium is our subject matter expert partner for this website. Working in partnership with them, we continue to ensure the voice of the sector is central to everything we do. 

The consortium comprises a group of organisations that represent adult social care providers. 

Here’s the list of member organisations: