
Adult Social Care Digital Skills Framework

The Adult Social Care Digital Skills Framework is a resource to help people working in adult social care understand and develop the digital skills they need.

The Digitising Social Care programme developed the framework in response to NHS England’s technology and digital skills review. It aims to help care professionals use and benefit from digital technology in their day-to-day work, so they can provide high quality care.

It includes seven themes which relate to effective digital working:

Theme 1: Using technology to support person-centred care
Theme 2: Technical skills for using technology
Theme 3: Communicating through technology
Theme 4: Using and managing data
Theme 5: Being safe and secure online
Theme 6: Ethical use of technology
Theme 7: Digital learning, development, and wellbeing

Each theme has two levels: 

  • Digital skills for all – staff at every level of digital experience should aim to develop these skills
  • Go further – skills for those working in or wanting to progress into supervisory, management or leadership roles, digital champions or business support roles

Why digital skills matter

Your organisation can deliver better care by making sure all staff have the digital skills they need. 

In these videos, residential care works and business and administrative staff share the difference that using digital technology and having the right training has made to the care they provide.