Theme 1: Using technology to support person-centred care

About this theme

Use this guidance to understand the skills and training your organisation needs to provide care which is centred on individuals' needs. 

This video shows how developing digital skills has helped other social care providers to deliver more person-centred care. 

1. Understand how technology can support person-centred care 

The process of adopting and using technology in care should always start with considering people’s needs. I know there are different types of technology that can help people who draw on care, including people who live independently in the community, and I understand why these technologies are used. Care technologies can support quality of life and the provision of high quality, safe and personalised care.

2. Use technology to work in a person-centred way

I can use technology to involve people in shaping their care and support. For example, I can work in partnership with people I care for to ensure their interests, preferences and goals are captured in their digital social care record (DSCR). I also have the skills to include and review use of technology within a person’s care plan, to ensure it is meeting their needs.

I know how to use technology (for example, websites, internet search engines and work systems) to help me answer questions and find online policies, procedures, and information* I need to support person-centred care planning.

3. Help people to learn about technologies that may benefit them

I know how to introduce the potential for using technology in a care situation and can work with people to help them identify, choose and use digital technology that works for them, in line with their wishes and preferences.

4. Help people to access their personal information and contribute to their digital social care records

I understand that people have the right to see their digital social care record (DSCR) and ask for any mistakes to be put right. I know how to help people to access their personal information in a way they can understand, and know what to do if they request changes.

5. Use technology to help people to build and maintain relationships and participate in their community.

I understand the different ways technology can help people to keep in touch with family and friends and follow their interests. I know how to support people to communicate with others and participate in activities, hobbies and their community using technology.

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6. Help my colleagues to learn about and understand the benefits of technology for person-centred care

At least 1.7 million people in England already use technology to support their care, helping them to stay safe while maintaining their independence. For people who work in social care, technologies such as digital social care records (DSCRs) can also help to reduce time spend on administration tasks, freeing up time for care and interaction.

7. Encourage and support my colleagues to help the people they work with learn about and choose suitable technologies for their care.

Technology can be used to promote the wellbeing of people who draw on care in wide variety of ways. Giving colleagues ideas and motivation to be creative in how they use technology, working in partnership with those they care for and their families, can contribute to the provision of quality, person-centred care.

8. (Depending on role) Support/lead strategic decisions on the use of technology in my organisation.

There is growing evidence of the benefits of technology for quality, person-centred care. Staff working in senior and leadership roles are well placed to champion and promote the benefits of digital technology to others in their organisation and shape decisions on the use of technology.

I can:

• evaluate if and how different technologies may benefit your service
• make the case for purchasing and introducing new technology in your organisation
• work with others to develop a ‘digital plan’ for implementing technology and managing change

9. Support a culture of good practice in using technology to provide responsive, person-centred care

Technology should always be used to benefit people who draw on care and support their best interests. This may be achieved directly, for example, through technologies that enhance people’s safety or wellbeing, or indirectly, for example, through technologies that reduce staff time spent on administration tasks and allow more time to be devoted to direct care.

Being able to support a culture of good practice around the use of technology will contribute to the provision of responsive, person-centred care, as set out in the CQC’s ‘Responsive’ questions and quality statements. As part of this, it is important to regularly review use of technology as part of care plan reviews, to make sure it's continuing to meet people's needs and support their best interests.

When assessing and choosing technologies for your service, you may look for technologies that:

  • support people to be independent
  • reduce avoidable hospital admissions
  • can help people to develop their interests/participate
  • help people to connect with loved ones
  • help to support peoples’ information and communication needs
  • help to deliver timely care and support
  • help people to contribute to their care planning and reflect their needs
  • are easy to use
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