

"StoriiCare is a provider of care management software in the UK, USA, Australia and beyond. Built with customisability at it's core, our system helps providers improve compliance and quality of care whilst being incredibly easy to use for both staff and management."

This solution is not fully compliant with all DSCR effective standards.  The supplier is working to remediate this.  This status should be considered during any procurement decisions as this solution may be removed from the Assured Solution List and the List should be checked before contract signature.

Contact details

Phone: 0141 816 0373

Contact name:  Cameron Graham, Chief Executive Officer

Information about this solution

StoriiCare is an advanced care management platform designed to transform the caregiving experience. It streamlines administrative tasks, allowing more time for person-centered care. 

  • Intuitive Care Planning: Easy-to-use tools for creating and updating personalised care plans.
  • Engagement and Activity Tracking: Engage clients with meaningful activities, enhancing their well-being.
  • Real-Time Notifications: Stay updated with alerts on client needs and schedules.
  • Robust Data Security: Prioritises client data privacy with top-tier security measures.
  • Flexible Customization: Adapts to various care settings, tailoring to specific client needs.
  • Cloud-Based Accessibility: Access from anywhere, ensuring seamless integration with existing systems.
  • Comprehensive Reporting: Generate detailed reports effortlessly for better decision-making.

StoriiCare is more than a platform; it's a holistic approach to quality care, combining technology and compassion to meet the evolving needs of the care sector."

This solution has been assured for use in:  

  • Domiciliary care such as home care and live in care
  • Extra care services
  • Supported living services
  • Shared lives
  • Care home services without nursing such as residential homes, rest homes, convalescent homes, respite care, mental health crisis houses, therapeutic communities
  • Care home services with nursing such as nursing homes, convalescent homes with nursing, respite care with nursing, mental health crisis house with nursing

This solution has the following features:

  • care and support plans aligned to your current framework, or our best practice templates
  • customisable forms and risk assessments - tailored to your organisations requirement
  • role-based access (control and limit access with a customised view for each staff member)
  • secure and scalable infrastructure - Cyber Essentials Plus
  • upload photos, videos, and personalised music playlists to provide person-centred care
  • dedicated family portal for sharing notes, calendars, activity progress and messages
  • care delivery notes and observations
  • dedicated Handover feature
  • detailed analytics and reporting tool
  • manage day-to-day tasks with task reporting

All solutions on the Assured Solution List offer the core capabilities of a digital social care record (downloads in a spreadsheet).

This solution also offers the ability to:

  • for a social care provider to add to assessment templates / pre built care plans
  • to measure progress against a target outcome / goal for the individual receiving care
  • to use body maps to capture treatment information
  • to store video information about the care provided
  • to store photographic information about the care provided
  • to record information about the skills, experience and training of staff
  • to send notifications / messages to other care workers
  • for authorised third parties (including family members) to view care plans and records, including ones they did not create
  • for social care providers to build, save and amend their own summary reports for individual recipients of care.
  • for social care providers to build, save and amend their own summary reports at a site and service level.

This solution is not fully compliant with all DSCR effective standards.  The supplier is working to remediate this.  This status should be considered during any procurement decisions as this solution may be removed from the Assured Solution List and the List should be checked before contract signature.

Standards describe the technical specification or operating conditions which represent best practice for digital social care record solutions.  These standards must be fully met by all solutions on the Assured Solution List within an agreed timeframe.




Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery

Ensures that solutions are supported by robust business continuity plans and disaster recovery measures.

More information about the Standard

Working toward complaince

Clinical Safety

Supports the management of clinical risk and patient/service user safety.

More information about the Standard

Working toward compliance


Underpins all commercial activity relating to the Buying Catalogue by defining rules governing commercial relationships and setting out standards of behaviour.

More information about the Standard


Data Migration

Supports the safe and effective migration of data if a buyer changes from one solution to another.

More information about the Standard


Data Standards

Defines detailed technical standards for the storage, management and organisation of data and specifies standardised reference data, terminology and codes.

More information about the Standard

Working toward compliance

About Me Standard (PRSB)

Supports sharing important details about a person and how they want to receive care. This standard is a requirement under Data Standards.

More information about the Standard

Working toward compliance

Personalised Care and Support Plan Standard (PRSB)

Enables the right information for people to manage their own care. This standard is a requirement under Data Standards.

More information about the Standard

Working toward compliance

Hosting and Infrastructure

Supports best practices for infrastructure and hosting of systems. For example, ensuring systems are cost effective, secure and energy efficient.

More information about the Standard


Information Governance

Supports the controls needed to ensure that sensitive personal data is kept confidential, is accurate and is available to authorised users when required.

More information about the Standard

Working toward compliance

Non-Functional Questions

Enables NHS Digital to assess the risk associated with the assessment of a solution against other overarching Standards.

More information about the Standard



Ensures that a suppliers’ software delivery test processes are of sufficient quality and rigour.

More information about the Standard



Defines a comprehensive set of standards, interfaces and protocols that solutions will use when working together.

More information about the Standard

Solution does not currently offer APIs so cannot be assured against the standard

GP Connect

Supports sharing of data held within GP IT solutions across health and social care organisations.

More information about the Standard

Working toward compliance

Email Standard

Supports the secure transmission of sensitive and confidential information by email.

More information about the Standard




This information is currently being updated. Contact the supplier to discuss their pricing.

Additional services are add-ons that provide additional, unassured, functionality to a solution at an extra cost.

If you’re interested in additional services, we encourage you to undertake your own assessment to make sure the functionality meets your needs.

Additional services are available at a flat price. Contact the supplier for additional services and prices.

Associated services help you implement or optimise a solution. For example, staff training or data migration services.

Associated services are available at a flat price. Contact the supplier for associated services and prices.

Interoperability is the ability to connect and communicate with other systems. 

NHS assured integrations

GP Connect is a system which makes patient information available to appropriate clinical and non-clinical staff. Find out more about using GP Connect.

Type of integration What this means Stage
GP Connect HTML view View a patient's GP record with read-only access In development
GP Connect appointment booking View, book, amend or cancel patient GP appointments  In development
GP Connect structured records Access a patient's GP record in a structured format, so the data can be imported and processed in whatever way is needed  In development


StoriiCare's typical implementation process takes around 4 weeks. This may vary depending on client size, training method and other factors. 

  1. Management Introduction – involves a review of requirements and key workflows, a StoriiCare overview and preparation for document importing or migration.
  2. Configuration Call – StoriiCare will train Management on suggested workflow mapping within StoriiCare.
  3. Iteration Phase – Management can provide feedback to ensure suggested workflows are logical and iterative changes can be made.
  4. Team Training – StoriiCare will train staff over Zoom calls in small groups using key workflows specific to each client. 
  5. Launch – Go Live day, with full support from the StoriiCare support team.
  6. Review – StoriiCare will provide regular monthly check-ins to ensure the solution is fully embedded and provides your desired outcomes.

This solution is supported by the following client application types:

Application type Supported

Browser-based application


Desktop application


Mobile or tablet application


Browser-based application
Browser application feature Details

Browsers supported

Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Safari, Firefox, Opera. Chrome is recommended.

Responsive design


Mobile first approach


Plug-ins or extensions required


Minimum connection speed required

1.5 mbps

Recommended desktop aspect ratio and screen resolution

Our system is fully responsive, so any standard aspect ratio will work well. Full HD (1920x1080) resolution is recommended for desktop computers.
Hardware requirements  No minimum hardware requirement
Native desktop application
Desktop application feature Details

Supported operating systems

Generally, we recommend that the device operating system is no more than 2 versions old

Minimum connection speed required

1.5 mbps

Minimum memory requirement

N/A - stored in cloud

Additional storage requirements


Recommended desktop aspect ratio and screen resolution Our system is fully responsive, so any standard aspect ratio will work well. Full HD (1920x1080) resolution is recommended for desktop computers

Recommended desktop aspect ratio and screen resolution

Our system is fully responsive, so any standard aspect ratio will work well. Full HD (1920x1080) resolution is recommended for desktop computers.
Hardware requirements No minimum hardware requirement, however we do not recommend Chromebooks as we find they are incredibly slow in general.
Mobile or tablet application
Mobile/tablet application feature Details

Supported operating systems

Microsoft and Apple Operating Systems.

Mobile first approach


Minimum connection speed required


Connection types supported

Wi-fi, Mobile Phone Service (4G, 5G)

Minimum memory requirement

N/A - Stored in Cloud

Additional storage requirements


Hardware requirements

Smartphone screen resolution 480 x 800 pixels or higher, Tablet screen resolution 1280 x 800 pixels or higher.

All solutions on the assured solutions list are cloud-based.

StoriiCare uses Amazon Web Services (AWS) Public Cloud as the default hosting option for any care provider. Optional Private Cloud Hosting on AWS Instance for Larger Enterprise Level / Multi-Location Care Providers is available.

You do not need a Health and Social Care Network connection to use this service. 

Key 2024 Releases: 

  • Integration with GP Connect
  • UK Billing and Payment Processing
  • Transportation App 

and much more. Additional developments will be informed by collaboration with clients and the wider social care sector. 

Contact StoriiCare for more information.

The Digital Social Care Record roadmap outlines the capabilities and standards that all solutions will need to meet in future.

Last updated: 17 July 2024