
Like night and day - the difference of digital
Our research shows time taken reviewing care plans is halved with a digital social care record solution and that data quality is vastly improved.

Survey on secure mail/NHSmail for adult social care providers
Do you have ideas on how to improve secure mail/NHSmail for social care? Then we want to hear from you in our short survey - share your feedback now!

One size has never fit all - how digital supports flexibility
Professionals supporting people with learning disabilities and mental health conditions say having instant access to information about their clients through digital social care records has proved invaluable.

Empowering women of colour to develop in digital
Celebrating Black History Month, DiSC workforce manager Olu Ogunbuyide urges social care colleagues to join the Shuri Network.

What does the future hold for digitising social care
Over the last few years the adult social care sector in England has made a huge leap forward in its use of technology to support people’s care.

Time’s up to tool up
A final deadline to secure funding to set up digital social care records has now been announced. Care providers need to apply by November for the Adult Social Care Digital Transformation Fund, which ends this year.

Vital medical information at care professionals’ fingertips
Care providers outline how GP Connect gives them instant access to vital medical information to improve care.

Evolution and revolution – the best approach for digital in health and care
It’s a clear answer from the digitising social care panellist at next week’s HETT Show – read this sneak preview

How digital speaks volumes for non-verbal young people in residential care
Going digital has helped carers spot patterns in behaviour and signals from young people with learning disabilities and autism – allowing them to plan tailored activities and care.