New social care information sharing training now available

NHS Transformation Directorate has worked with Digital Social Care to develop a new e-learning session to help social care staff better understand the principles of sharing information.
The information sharing programme is aimed at colleagues who work in social care settings and their supervisors who have responsibility for managing and/or sharing personal information.
Social care professionals have a legal duty to share information to support individual care. It helps them to make informed decisions, ensures that people receive safe care, enables the smooth transition of people between different care settings and enhances the effectiveness and efficiency of the service.
This e-learning resource will help learners to understand the principles behind information sharing, how to apply the principles in practice and build confidence in using and sharing information.
At the end of the session learners will be able to explain the key principles to consider when deciding whether to share information and identify the circumstances in which staff should seek further advice.
Free to social care staff
The session takes just 20 minutes to complete and is free of charge to access from any email address. Learners are invited to find more information and access the training at the e-learning for health hub.
You can access the session free of charge even if you do not have an NHS email address. Read the introduction at e-learning for health hub and then register for the session online.
Organisations wishing to host this e-learning session free of charge on their in-house learning management system are invited to email