On hand to hold your hand

Gina Trimble

This article was first published in Caring Times (June 2024) by Gina Trimble, provider relationship manager at Suffolk and North East Sussex Integrated Care System.  

First, I start by asking how, and when, people prefer to be contacted. In my experience registered managers in adult social care are flat out, all the time, usually pulled in several directions all at once. I always ask if now is a good time to talk.   

What’s most important to me is ensuring I support adult social care providers with everything they need to make the switch to digital social care records as smooth and painless as possible. So whether it’s help to apply for funding (and we know ‘the clock is ticking’ before the application window closes), to choose the right supplier, or to reassure a dedicated team of carers that it will all be worth it – I’m only too happy to help.  

What’s most important to me is ensuring I support adult social care providers with everything they need to make the switch to digital social care records as smooth and painless as possible.  

This could be help to apply for funding - and as DiSC’s current campaign highlights, we know ‘the clock is ticking’ to access government funding and support. It could be help with choosing the right supplier, or simply to reassure a dedicated team of carers that it will all be worth it – I’m only too happy to help.   

At last count, I was supporting 225 adult social care providers in Suffolk and North East Essex. I tell them about what funding is available and help them through the process. It’s actually very straightforward but if they have any hiccups, for example with filling out online forms or answering particular questions, they know they can give me a call. I understand that provider staff work exceptionally long and variable hours, I therefore adopt a flexible approach for them to contact me when they might get that rare moment of calm.  

That applies to help with getting started once they have their funding and are getting set up too, or with any admin or governance issues like getting the Data Security and Protection Toolkit (DSPT) over the line.   

I’ve met most of the suppliers too, so if care providers are having teething problems I can often point them in the right direction. There are currently 26 assured solutions for social care records (managed by the Digitising Social Care programme and available on its website) – 20 of which I have regular contact with. Admittedly I’ve got a bit of catching up to do to meet the six new ones! I often say to care providers – I’m your middle person. If you can’t reach the supplier I will help.  But Im not just waiting for the phone to ring. I have a full list of adult social care providers in this area and contact them for regular check-ins and to discuss their plans to go digital, or see how they are progressing.   

What I love most is getting out there into care settings and understanding first-hand what they are looking for and how they are getting on. As I travel around, I can share that learning with others who might have similar aims or challenges – and am able to share that experience, which much as they’d love to support their fellow care organisations, they simply don’t have time for. And after all, they are only going to do this once, but they can tap into the knowledge I’ve built up from working with others.   

Last week, one of our smaller care providers called me to ask about their new digital social care record app. We tried a Teams call, but she was still struggling so I said I’m down your way on Monday, I’ll pop in. We got it sorted over a cuppa. I try to be there to hold their hand and to address their fears. I can even help set up or attend their demos with digital suppliers. I always remain impartial, because ultimately it has to be the care provider and their team’s decision – but I know my way around lots of the solutions these days so can often make comparisons or suggestions.   

We also make sure we’re in touch once they are up and running with a benefits survey six months after implementation. I get so much valuable feedback to pass on to others, and I think they feel valued and appreciate that their experience can be shared. They almost always have great advice for other care providers considering or planning the switch to digital. 

I just love working with people, getting things done and giving them an opportunity to grow. And I try to be the first to congratulate managers and teams when they secure funding or select their supplier – they are stepping into their digital future.