The Data Security and Protection Toolkit

The Data Security and Protection Toolkit (DSPT) is an online tool for social care organisations to assess their data and cyber security. 

By completing the DSPT, you can check whether you are handling people’s information safely, both digitally and on paper, and protect your organisation against cyber attacks and data breaches. It will show you any areas that you need to improve on and give practical advice on how to do so.

Completing the DSPT

All CQC-registered care providers should complete the DSPT at least once a year, by 30th June. 

You need to complete the DSPT to access a number of NHS services, including: 

After completing the DSPT, you will be certified to one of three levels: 

  • approaching standards – you need to meet this level to deliver services under the NHS Standard Contract, or apply for NHSmail accounts
  • standards met – you need to meet this level if you have access to NHS patient data and systems, for example, GP Connect or shared care records
  • standards exceeded – you will meet this level if you have achieved ‘Standards Met’ and have a current Cyber Essentials PLUS certification 

You can access free support and guidance on completing the DSPT from the Better Security, Better Care programme.

Register to complete the DSPT